Omalinnunpönttöjä – Detached Birdhouses
As we build up our human habitat in Helsinki, there are other residents of the city who may become displaced as a result. This development plan aims to provide new housing for some of these in prime urban nature real estate. As well this project offers consideration of what a transformation in our ideas of building and development might look like.
Note: There are four (numbered) birdhouses installed in Kivinokka in total (see Map page).
Originally from Canada, I now live in Finland, having completed an MA degree in environmental art at Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture. My particular area of interest is how engagement in artistic processes can help us make sense of our context and ecological role(s), beyond rational learning. Keen on process in my work, I am often adapting found materials, in sensitivity to the surroundings and natural world, seeking to make these studies and interpretations visible in a wide variety of mediums. (includes a post on the making process)