Polly Balitro

Läpinäkyvyys – Transparency

Through my installation I would like to bring to attention the relationship human-nature and its multiple aspects. Transparency is constructed onto various layers: a double-exposed photograph shows a silhouette of a figure entangled in vegetation; the photograph itself, printed on a glass plate and installed in the natural environment, allows the viewer to see through it and admire the landscape behind it. Consequently, the image that the spectator experiences is ultimately a combination of reality and fiction; the original photograph becomes less visible. Whereas the double-exposed photograph represents the ever-growing need for humans to reconnect with nature, the transparency and flimsiness of the glass stand for the actual fragility of our relationship with the natural environment.


Born and raised in Northern Italy, I am currently based in Helsinki, where I have completed an MA degree in environmental art at Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture. Interested in analogue image making and especially inspired by the natural environment, my works are mainly photographic series. Even though photography remains my dearest mean of expression, I sometimes go beyond the mere two-dimensional image with multilayered projects and forms of installation, through which I try to interact with my audience at a deeper level. 
