Essi Ehrnrooth

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAPicture above: Lasse Ehrnrooth 2014

Landscapes are signs of past that connect and collect together important memories, emotional states and persons in my life. When one of these parts of landscape disappears or changes, it slowly tears apart the entire mental image that I have of the landscape and the process is frustrating. Art gives us the way to hold on to these landscapes and storage them before they fade away. Kivinokka area is one of my home landscapes filled with those precious memories. From time to time the area is threatened by large scale master planning, and, time after time, saved by active citizens and preserved as an open public green oasis inside the urban city structure. The installation Nest 2 is part of temporary landscape gestures that I create in order to respect the meaningful environments in my life. These gestures give momentary voice to the beauty and peace of those landscapes and invite us all to pause by the views in a planned manner. My installation frames the view most precious to me; a spot where the busy city cuts the beautiful cottage and wild nature scene. The art work encourages other area visitors to follow me: to photograph a significant view and send it to me electronically afterwards.

Essi Ehrnrooth (b. 1984) is a visual artist and landscape architect from Helsinki, Finland. She graduated from Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, from the Department of Architecture in 2010. In autumn 2011 she began master studies in environmental art at Aalto University School of Art and Design, Department of Art. She received a Master’s Degree in Arts in June 2014. Ehrnrooth enjoys multidisciplinary collaboration projects and tries to combine different aspects of art and design into her work, workshops and competition projects. During her studies in environmental art she focused in sculpture through various courses and collaborations with sculptors and hopes to merge this knowledge with landscape architecture in future.

More pictures from the project presented here: